Smile Makeovers & Celebrity Dentists: Is Cosmetic Dentistry OK

Celebrities are often known for their flawless smiles. You don’t have to be a star to have a smile like one! Smile makeovers & celebrity dentists are good cosmetic dentistry and are available to anyone interested in improving aspects of their smile. 

Cosmetic dentistry has come a long way in recent years, as strives to meet the increasing expectations of the patients. Cosmetic dentistry realise that different people have different perceptions of what makes a smile attractive and that in dental aesthetics, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Cosmetic surgery can have a bad name, but cosmetic dentistry has a good online reputation in Australia that’s why, before beginning cosmetic work, dentistry wants to hear what you like and don’t like about your smile as it is now. In addition, cosmetic dentistry can also perform what is called a “smile analysis.”

“How do famous people keep brilliant white smiles that are always ready for the red carpet or a close-up? Do they avoid coffee? Maybe. Do they avoid tobacco? Some do, but smoking seems to be a pitfall of public life.”

Many Celebrities Smiles Were Not Always Flawless

Not everyone with perfect teeth was born that way. Many celebrities have gorgeous smiles because they have had cosmetic dentistry.

Guess what? A smile gallery showcases cosmetic dentistry success stories. You too can have a celebrity smile. Cosmetic dentistry uses sound dental techniques to bring positive changes to any smile. 

Even the smallest cosmetic improvement can boost your self-confidence. Dentistry has many techniques that can use, depending on the state of your smile they can correct teeth that are discolored, chipped, misshapen, even missing, and more.

Cosmetic Dentistry Services for a Better Smile

Dentistry provides both long-term and short-term smile solutions with cosmetic dentistry procedures. Some of the services they may use to improve your smile include:

  • Porcelain veneers
  • Invisalign clear aligners
  • Professional teeth whitening treatments
  • Dental bonding

At Dental & Skin Clinic, they want every patient to sport a beautiful smile that they want to flash at everyone they meet. To achieve a celebrity-like look, they may use one or more of the services mentioned above. They have also used tooth replacement and protective options, like dental implants or crowns, to make aesthetic improvements and create a full, healthy smile.

Dental & Skin Clinic Procedure In Australia

Their procedure doesn’t cause any discomfort, but it’s a crucial part of cosmetic enhancement. Social media management for dentists in doing the analysis, they look at the various parts of an individual’s smile. The spacing, size, and alignment of the teeth, the health and position of the gum line, the relationship of the upper and lower jaws, and the relative shape and size of the face. All of these features combine to make a person’s smile unique. By looking at them closely, a dental & skin clinic can help determine the best way for you to improve your smile.

But how can you tell if the cosmetic changes you’re contemplating will end up being just right for you? Fortunately, with today’s technology, it’s easier than ever. Computer imaging offers a chance to visualise the outcome before they start working on your teeth. It’s even possible to offer previews of different treatment options if you want to go a bit further, they may be able to show you a full-scale model of your new smile. In some situations, they can even perform a provisional restoration that is, a trial version of the new smile, made with less permanent materials. If the temporary smile looks, feels, and functions just right, then the permanent one will too. If not, it’s still possible to make changes that will make it work even better.

Whether you’re thinking about having teeth whitening, cosmetic bonding, porcelain veneers, or dental implants to improve your smile, you probably have a picture in your mind of how the result should look. Will your teeth be perfectly even and celebrities white or more natural, with slight variations in size, spacing, and color allowed? Either way, they can help you get the smile you’ve always wanted. If you would like more information about smile makeovers and options in dental & skin clinic.

Recommended Smile Makeover in Australia

Cosmetic dentist in Dental & Skin Clinic Australia, Dr. Rita Trak creates terrific smiles for patients all the time, and she would be thrilled to evaluate you for a smile makeover. Your teeth endure a lot of wear and tear, but cosmetic dentistry from a dental & skin clinic can give you a VIP smile. Schedule an appointment today!

Simpson Desert Secrets: Linear Dunes, Lost Wells, Your Soul

The Simpson Desert is one of the world’s largest deserts of longitudinal dunes. It contains 1100 dunes arranged in a closely packed array, with some dunes running south-east to the north-west for 200 km. Dunes can reach 90 m in height. Ecologically speaking we know very little about central Australia. I gathering data on these long walks through the Simpson Desert Secrets with scientists and eco-tourists.

Simpson Desert 

Is 170,000 km2 or roughly the size of the state of Georgia. It is dominated by northwest-oriented parallel linear dunes that are between 10 and 40 m in height and from one to several hundred kilometers in length. Inter-dune spacing is typically between 100 m to 1.5 km and varies inversely as a function of dune height. The area surrounding the Simpson Desert only receives about 120-180 mm of rain every year, making it the driest part of Australia, and many of the surrounding rivers only flow ephemerally. 

When intense seasonal monsoonal rains to the north cause these rivers to flood, the waters become choked by sand upon reaching the desert resulting in a series of complex flood out deposits. The water then seeps into the sand and continues towards Lake Eyre as shallow saline groundwater flows. This intricate interaction between eolian and fluvial deposits makes the Simpson Desert an ideal environment for testing many of the ideas we currently have about the Martian surface. The Simpson Desert is a well-kept secret itself geologic evidence suggests that ancient Mars once had a more Earth-like climate, and features such as outflow channels, valley networks, modified impact craters, and layered deposits suggest that Mars should contain fluvial deposits related to this past climate.

However, once the ancient climate of Mars failed, eolian processes began to rework and bury many of the fluvial deposits and their related features.  Although the mantra of NASA’s Mars Exploration Program is to “follow the water,” most of the geologic evidence needed to do this has been modified. By analyzing the linear dunes and surrounding flood out deposits we will better understand the formation and evolution of the Simpson Desert as well as the timing and nature of climatic change in Australia. By analogy, these field studies will also help us to better understand the modification of Martian valley networks and interpret remote sensing data from Mars orbiting spacecraft.

Simpson Desert Linear Dunes

When you want to travel in the Simpson desert to see linear sand dunes, google will help your travel plans as SEO is vital for travel operators, you’ll find information on road distances with must-know details. Cover about 40 percent of the Australian continent and represent about 40 percent of all the dunes in the world. Linear dunes have also been found on all the terrestrial planets with an atmosphere. Although they are somewhat rare features on Mars, there is evidence for linear dunes on Venus and Titan as well. Although they are such common features very little is known about their formation, their chronology, or their interaction with other landforms. 

Survey and geochemical analyses, of the linear dunes located in the Simpson Desert in central Australia. From thermal infrared remote sensing data and laboratory analyses also hope to better understand the complex interaction between the linear dunes and the surrounding land and river systems.

Simpson Desert Lost Wells

Professor Smith and the non-profit scientific organization Australian Desert Expeditions have been invited to survey the mikiri site by Don Rowlands, a traditional owner and head ranger of the Munga-Thirri Simpson Desert National Park. Mr. Rowlands is a Wangkangurru man, and it was his ancestors that made the axe that Professor Smith holds.

The Wangkangurru call the 17 million hectares of the Simpson Desert home. The desert, which lies in the Northern Territory, South Australia, and Queensland, is the driest Australian environment humans have ever lived in. They were able to do so through a series of hand-dug wells called mikiri in Wangkangurru.

Simpson Desert Your Soul

The desert heartbeat of the Australian Red Centre connects you to the soul of this country like nowhere else. Feel an enduring spiritual affinity to these magnificent sweeping plains, and am truly at peace in their company. You awoke to the sublime stillness of the encroaching dawn, the only sound, the murmuring of the shifting carpet of sand. Chose a simple yet striking composition of blood-red dunes, the delicate morning rays highlighting their chiseled contours. The powerful converging lines of this image add to the amazing depth and haunting mood of the scene. The desert awakening around me, and is surrounded 360 degrees by perfect untouched dunes. You felt as woven into the fabric of the land.

Explore The Beautifully 

Contoured Australia Deserts, Its epic palette of eye-popping color and texture will leave landscape lovers thirsty for more full of history and sacred traditions, it is a most beautiful Country. Do not spoil it, and travel carefully explorations of the Simpson Desert.

Osteopaths’ Advice For Back & Neck Fitness

Around 67 per cent of individuals have indications linked to neck irritation, shoulder discomfort, or scapular suffering. The number of cases has surged in the last years, assumably due to the high usage of tablets and mobile phones. We’re bending over our desks, crouched over a computer, or travelling long distances regularly. All of this might influence the neck and upper back.

In many circumstances, the neck is prohibited from moving willingly, resulting in a pinched nerve or the neck muscles becoming ‘hypertonic,’ meaning extremely tight, limiting action and resulting in pain. This pain can, after that, develop symptoms in other parts of the body, such as sickness and vomiting.

How can an Osteopath assist you?

Osteopaths can use various gentle treatments for neck pain and spasms and strengthen flexibility in the neck and upper backpacks. Gently rubbing the soft tissues in the joints to lessen stress or gently manipulating the neck to get joints moving is a star treatment.

Other parts of the back and shoulders, as well as the neck, may require therapy.

Here are few tips for back and neck pain from an Osteopath :

The agony of back pain is akin to the worst of dental pain. So, here are few tips to improve your back and neck pain

  • Continue to be active

It is critical to stay moving to avoid muscle stiffness. Neck pain can be relieved by doing 30 minutes of exercise five times a week that involves neck movements. This could include activities such as walking, yoga, or Pilates. Neck strengthening exercises are beneficial for reducing neck pain, and your osteopath can advise you on which ones are best for you.

  • Technology Repositioning

It’s not ideal for your neck to be constantly gazing down at your tablet or phone. The more time you pay doing this, the more stress you put on your neck. It is therefore suggested that your mobile phones and computer monitor are positioned at eye level to minimise neck pain.

  • Neck Pain Exercising

Small stretching exercises throughout the day might help alleviate neck stiffness. The “chin tuck” is a crucial exercise that facilitates you to retain good posture by keeping your head aligned over your spine. It spans your scalene and suboccipital muscles as well. It’s also significant to remember to stay hydrated, as dehydrated tissue has a propensity to stiffen.

Maintain a good posture.
It’s vital to know to sit and stand appropriately for decent posture. If you work in an office, try to prevent hunching over and revise your seat and screen heights. Maintain your feet shoulder-width distant when standing, your shoulders back, and your arms hanging willingly.


Osteopathy is a therapy that utilises delicate manipulation of your muscles. To find the source of your neck pain, a qualified osteopath will do a physical analysis. They will then use the proper pain-relieving methods, such as massage, soft tissue spanning, and modest release procedures. Following that, you will be given instructions on how to prevent your neck pain from recurring.

Wisdom Tooth Removal: The Most Traumatic Dental Procedure

Ask anyone about any dental procedure they’ve had, and outside of having a general and professional clean, most would consider some level of trauma involved.

For some it’s traumatic just making an appointment. For others just being in the chair is enough to bring on some level of certain discomfort, let alone anxiety.

I for one recount my experience as a 12-year-old with potential overcrowding as the first traumatic experience of my life aside from being born. That, of course I don’t remember thanks to the handy trick of nature’s amnesia, so it doesn’t count.

This was the usual procedure of needing four premolars removed: two from the top, two from the bottom and done one side at a time. Until then, my trips to the dentist had always been positive affairs. I had good healthy teeth, and my parents (with kudos to them) were very focussed on their children’s dental health and hygiene for all us three kids, so 6 monthly check-ups were routine with our friendly dentist only a block away.

In those days you got a Rosy Red Apple red-and-green lollypop for being a good patient, and that of course was always worth it. I liked the dentist chair. It was like a really short ride at Luna Park and when it was up I couldn’t reach the ground.

I’d been told by my mum before we went that I’d be having two teeth taken out but it meant nothing to me; I think I thought that just like the Tooth Fairy magically left 20c under your pillow, somehow something else magical would happen to make my teeth disappear. Like a lamb to the slaughter I happily hopped into the chair and waited for something good to happen.

Most certainly it didn’t. I’d never had a needle in my mouth before and when I saw one coming I was having none of it.

I cried and screamed and punched until two dental nurses held me down. Eight needles went in, and with the dentist’s knee on my chest, he took all four out at once.

He explained to my now distressed mother, hearing this terrible ordeal from the waiting room, that he had to take them all because he knew he’d never get me in the chair again.

Too right. And as much as I had beautiful straight white teeth until my 50s, that dental phobia never left. Eventually it led to periodontal disease that I deeply regret; not only for my own health, but also for the car my parents sold to pay for the braces that gave me beautiful teeth in the first place.

So trauma squared, I reckon.

Asking whether wisdom tooth extraction is the most traumatic dental procedure is a bit like asking whether arsenic or strychnine is most poisonous. Unless you’re blessed with an incredible pain threshold, and are immune to the sounds of drilling and cracking, an extraction is distressing.

Naturally, the procedure and the healing both become more difficult the older we get.
The process itself is actual trauma to your mouth, particularly for adults, because it sometimes means the tooth has to be broken into pieces before it can be completely removed.

And we haven’t even touched on Full-Bony Impacted wisdom tooth where it’s completely fused to the jaw. One up from that is Partial-Bony Impacted, where it’s (only) partially stuck in the jawbone.

The kind of ‘win’ that doesn’t make you feel like a winner at all…

Almost 85% of people need a wisdom tooth extraction during their lifetime, and it’s not because we have too many teeth, but because evolution and dietary changes have given us a jaw that’s too short.

Thanks, nature!

It’s been a common a procedure for decade upon decade, that many dental experts advise taking wisdom teeth out before they cause problems. But now some dentists don’t recommend that at all because of the risks involved with anesthesia, the surgery itself and the cost of the procedure.

Research has shown that young children injected with anesthetic for dental care sometimes don’t grow lower wisdom teeth, suggesting it might be possible to deliberately stop wisdom teeth from growing. Two things may account for this: the anesthetic solution or trauma from the needle hitting the wisdom tooth bud.

I didn’t get my lower wisdom teeth, and suspect it was from this hypodermic syringe damage.

At least wisdom tooth removal is one trauma I won’t have to endure.

Communications in an Outback Crisis: Isolation Can Kill You

Without a doubt, the Australian outback is beautiful if you want something to enjoy. However, if you want to have a personal experience in the nation’s remote areas, there are preparations that you must make. Remember, the outback is isolated, and you are not likely to find many people here. The network is poor, some parts are dry, and without proper preparation, an Australian outback trip could be one of the coldest trips you have ever had. Apart from carrying a bottle of insect repellent, sunscreen and dressing sensibly, you need to work on your communications.

There have been recent issues of murder, rape, and abduction in Australia Outback and safety has been a major concern for tourists. Other types of crises have emerged, and most people who anticipated their dream trips have ended up having nightmares. Some of the tourists who have returned safely have horror stories to tell. Nevertheless, it does not necessarily mean the outback is unsafe for travel. However, the safety is best on a guided 4-wheel-drive tagalong tour. Apart from getting the ride, you get information about your trip.

Why is Communication Important?

In remote areas, communication can be quite a problem. However, that does not mean that you should isolate yourself when a crisis emerges. In fact, isolation does more harm than good. When traveling to a remote place, you might not want to have the inconvenience of a cell phone. Your phone is one of the most important things you need to have in the Outback even if you don’t plan on surfing on your way. The fact is, the phone might be your lifesaver when something goes wrong. When traveling in the Outback, there are two important methods of communication you must check;

  • Voice communication throw a two-way radio or through a phone
  • Internet connection through cellular network or Wi-Fi.

Unless you are connected to a server, you won’t have the comfort and convenience of Sharepoint intranet. Both of these methods link you with the rest of the world. In a crisis in the Outback, it is either urgent or un-urgent. However, you need to ensure you have a way of contacting breakdown service providers or call for emergency services. The last thing you want is getting isolated in the Outback because you have no way of reaching out for help.

Solutions for Communication

You are used to getting everything you need in the comfort of your mobile phone. However, this is not the case when you are in these remote areas. So, if you want to stay connected, it is important you change your service provider, especially if you know their network is somehow patchy. Most of these providers will provide a map of their network coverage areas. So, you need to confirm if you will be covered depending on where you are going.

You may also have a wireless router for Wi-Fi that you can carry on your trip. However, you need to remember that it also relies on the cellular network, and it can be patchy like your phone.


When going for a trip in the Outback, be prepared for anything. The most important thing is ensuring you have a reliable channel of communication in case of a crisis. Voice communications and internet connectivity are vital communications, and each plays an important role. This is why even the tour businesses in the areas invest in reliable communication tools to stay prepared. Understanding the crisis can assist communicators to anticipate the problems and know how to respond effectively.


Social Media For Electricians, Plumbers & Tradies

Can tradespeople use social media platforms to grow their business? Yes! If you are a glazer, carpenter, plumber, electrician, landscaper whatever trade you’re in, you can utilize social media to attract new clients and retain loyal ones.

But how do you do this? It’s simple, create a page or profile on the leading social media platforms and post content regularly. Like I’ve said, it’s simply not easy.

Remember almost eight in every ten people are on social media. On average, social media users spend over an hour browsing through platforms like Instagram and Facebook. The fact that almost every person uses social media makes it the best platform to promote your business. This is because you can communicate with your current and potential customers in one place. Even better, creating, running, and posting updates on social media is free.

However, using social media platforms to market your venture is different than using them to share funny posts, stories, and videos. Here, we’ll discuss some essential tips to help you use social media to market and grow your business.

  1. Identify the Right Platform

Yes, it’s easy to kill hours on social media scrolling through your newsfeed. However, using it to market your business is entirely different.

First, there are different social media platforms from Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Yes, it is tempting to jump on them all, but don’t be in a rush. Remember, you’ll be responsible for posting quality updates. Unless you want to spend hours editing videos, then pick one channel and perfect your marketing there.

At least 94 percent of all social media users are on Facebook. Why don’t you start with it?

  1. Plan Content

Having a page or profile on social media isn’t enough. You have to make regular posts if you want to attract new customers. If you don’t post content regularly, your business will not appear on people’s newsfeeds. And yes, a social media page or profile without content looks unprofessional and may turn potential customers away.

But how do you get the right content ideas to post? Well, you can post updates about your business and the new tools you’ve bought to help your customers better. You can also post important and helpful content to your customers. For instance, an electrician based in Sydney can make a post that helps potential customers celebrate the sights of Sydney as well as complete electrician jobs. Make sure the completed jobs show before and after photos to demonstrate a job well done.

  1. Manage Your Online Reputation

The best way to attract new customers is through the current customers. Therefore, don’t hesitate to request your customers to give a review on the quality of your service online.

If your services are top-notch, then these customers won’t have a challenge spreading the gospel to others. However, you must monitor these reviews and respond to any criticism, as quickly as possible.

  1. Be Authentic

It’s difficult to convey authenticity over the internet. However, it can make a huge difference in attracting new customers. Try your best to be helpful, personal, and reliable. Even better, you can hire a social media management agency to help you with this. Your social media platform should be an honest representation of your business values and ideals.


Starting a social media campaign can be a daunting task for any business. This is why tradespeople should seek the assistance of competent social media management agencies to streamline their tasks.

Invisalign vs Teeth Whitening: Which Cosmetic Dentistry Is Best If You Can Only Afford One?

How much is cosmetic dental work?

Certainly it depends on your dentist, the type of work being done, and whether or not you have dental insurance to cover all, or most of the procedure. Some dental health insurance providers consider teeth whitening and veneers to be optional. So a policy adequately covering your specific needs is imperative.

Dentists are not obligated to take your insurance, and not only perform cosmetic dental work they often specialise in aesthetic-centric dental work insurance often won’t cover.

Cheap cosmetic dental surgery is never a good idea; tooth damage and poor outcomes through incompetence is avoidable when it comes to dental surgery  –  you get what you pay for.

When dental clinics decide to do marketing options may seem expensive and daunting, but confidence in your smile is priceless. Do your own research as well as talking to your dentist.

Clear aligners were first launched in 2000 by Align Technology, which for the first time offered an alternative to traditional braces. Teeth could be straightened without the need for braces and wires, by using clear plastic trays, known as aligners. In the two-plus decades since, there has been huge success with this innovative solution that has treated millions of patients worldwide.

The journey to that white, bright smile can sometimes involve a lot of work. Wearing Invisalign clear aligners means they remain transparent and stain-free with extra care; otherwise they may cast a yellowing to the teeth.

Those contemplating the Invisalign option may sometimes also look into teeth whitening options compatible with their aligners. Brightening while realigning would be the most efficient way of achieving a perfect smile. But is it really possible teeth to be whitened while undergoing Invisalign treatment?

While it is possible to whiten teeth while wearing Invisalign aligners, most orthodontists recommend beginning the process no sooner than six months after realignment. Teeth are more sensitive during adjustment, which can complicate professional whitening treatments. It’s not unusual that dentists who offer both Invisalign and teeth whitening may do a deal for both.

With the tooth movement of readjustment, discolouration is likely to appear in the areas not exposed to whitening agents giving an uneven appearance that may be difficult to quickly remedy.

Giving time for your teeth to adjust without aligners will help in making the whitening process more comfortable. It will also be a much faster process since you will be evenly whitening your teeth in their final alignment.

If you would like to pursue whitening treatment while wearing aligners, milder forms of tooth whitening would work best. Good examples of these are kinds of toothpaste or mouthwashes that are specially formulated with whitening agents. These agents help dissolve surface strains, and tiny particles with abrasive properties can help polish the teeth’s surface. Activated charcoal is very useful in its fine abrasive, and health benefit qualities.

Whitening toothpastes or mouthwash help brighten the overall appearance of your smile and with them being user-friendly mild, it’s easier and more economical to even out any discolouration after Invisalign.

Whitening gels are another viable option and can be prescribed by dentists and applied at home. Whitening gels are more intense than whitening toothpastes and need the instructions and the advice of your dentist.

Ultimately, Invisalign is between about $AU3500 and $7000 (and almost $2000 more expensive than traditional braces) while professional teeth whitening by your dentist will typically cost between $AU650 and $1000.

So if it’s a purely financial decision, teeth whitening is best if you can only afford one treatment, and it’s inevitable that after achieving a stunning Invisalign smile, brightening therapies add to the satisfaction of having the closest to the most perfect teeth you can personally have.

LED Downlight Installation Can Be Finicky And Dangerous

In February 2009 when the then Minister for the Environment Peter Garrett announced the Energy Efficient Homes Package installing ceiling insulation in 2.7 million homes, concerns were raised about the potential dangers relating to insulation around electrical wiring, downlights, proper training for installers and other related issues that were not addressed until March 2012.

The incidence of 174 house fires coupled with the deaths of installers 25-year-old Matthew Fuller, 22-year-old Mitchell Sweeney, 19-year-old Marcus Wilson and 16-year-old Ruben Barnes meant the Government’s initiative was the subject of heavy criticism and a growing public safety concerns. Fear and confusion ignited in regards to incandescent halogen downlights and their suitability for residential installations.

Recessed lighting has been around in some form since the 1940’s when Ivan Kirlin of the Kirlin Company in Michigan, Detroit hid a light source in a hollow opening in the ceiling. It had the advantage of being energy efficient as a light source because of its focussed beam, with a hefty trade-off of being relatively permanent with an essentially unflattering light angle for anything not furniture or featured. As crude as initial versions were, they have since evolved into more sophisticated light sources, with high levels of incandescence. Energy consumption, globe life span and size continue to improve.

Managing heat generation is continuing an issue with high temperatures in the roof cavity in the vicinity of loose, flammable insulation has proven potentially disastrous results. Downlights heat up very quickly, and if insulation is close by, it is easily ignited to spread through the ceiling space completely undetected by smoke alarms. Such is the output of heat from downlights they can ignite the general cavity debris of rodent and nesting bird leaves and detritus, as well as having the capacity to set fire to solid timber beams.

LED downlight installation can be finicky and dangerous and it goes without saying that it can only be done by a qualified electrician. Make it simple by using online and internet marketing services to find appropriate the tradies for the job.  Roof space holds many electrical dangers, and inspection by an electrician needs to ensure a functioning safety switch.

Insulation must have a fire rating in accordance with Australian Standard (AS1530). Glasswool and rockwool have excellent fire ratings, and are commonly used in industrial equipment because of their superior fireproofing properties.

Halogen downlights are safe when correctly installed alongside insulation in accordance with AS3999 Amendment 1 (March 2012).

Always check the fire rating of your choice of insulation prior to purchase to avoid a costly mistake.

Avoiding potentially lethal fire damage can be as simple as placing a heat-resistant fireproof barrier in the roof cavity around the transformer, or using infrared reflective coating (IRC) bulbs, which reflect most of the heat. Qualified electricians will be aware of this, as well as having the knowledge and experience to safely install.

Sciatica & Back Pain Plague Humanity: What Can Be Done

I know..! It’s 2021, we see the word “plague” and our brain processes “pandemic” or “epidemic” or “outbreak” –  but this “plague” is rather the affliction and torment; not a strain of Covid-19 for the coccyx. If you were feeling a bit Old English, Germanic or a bit 1821, you’d be saying, “Sciatica and back pain are the bane of humanity”. 

However you want to put it, it is about strain and a pain. And it’s universal at that. 

Ancient Greeks and Romans had sciatica, although it was attributed to a disease of the hip until the early 1760s. It was only then that the distinction was made between pain of the nerve and pain of the joint. Whomever those patients of discovery at the time likely considered it a great pyrrhic victory with the excruitiating agony still shooting down their leg. 

Similarly, there has always been back pain. 

However incomplete it is, the earliest surviving surgical text is the Edwin Smith papyrus from about 1500BC. Ironically, it abruptly ends in the middle of a detailed description of acute back pain.

Tantalisingly, the unknown Egyptian scribe, (or ‘sesh’) whose back pain annotation was left unfinished, was apparently subsequently sent somewhere else to copy down an older transcription instead. It could have been anything. Magic spells, legal contracts and wills, medical procedures, tax records, or genealogies; and maybe (and this is purely personal conjecture) there was a low stool to sit on, rather than a reed mat, for instance. 

Immediately into this second task, our dutiful and hapless scribe ceased his labours and promptly dropped dead. 

Hilarious, when it isn’t you; and brings to mind the Monty Python sketch where Ernest Scribbler writes the Funniest Joke in the World, reads it to himself and literally dies laughing. 

Both the scribe and papyrus were buried in a tomb near Thebes, where 3500 years later in 1862, grave robbers found the contents and sold them to Edwin Smith, a 40-year-old American dealer and collector of antiquities. Curiously, for all the detail on that papyrus, there is no mention of the last words of this sesh being, “My back is killing me!” or indeed his name.

Maybe he was called Ernest Scribbler the Scribe.

It’s interesting to note that for all the physiological detail the Edwin Smith papyrus holds, it provides no clue to what the ancient Egyptians thought about backache, or how they deemed best to treat it. There is complete ambiguity in the last sentence which gives no clarity whatsoever on whether the treatment decision was rest, or mobilisation. And no record of natural treatments for sciatica back pain.

We long ago revered the innovations and revolutionary thinking of this ancient culture, so it’s unsurprising that therein lay a most modern controversy.

By the 4th century, Roman physician Caelius Aurelianus offered plate depictions of the spinal column, complete with intervertebral disc spaces. He concluded that “Virchow’s Tumor” (sciatica), although most commonly found in those of middle age, could actually occur at any age, following “… a sudden jerk or movement during exercise, unaccustomed digging in the ground, lifting a heavy object from a low place, lying on the ground, sudden shock, a fall, or continuous and immoderate sexual intercourse.”

Ah yes; all fun and games until someone puts their back out, but and at least progress was being made. 

A century later, Hippocrates prescribed rest, massage, heat, dietary changes, and music.

It was, however, the Arabic and Turkish worlds of the 15th century that made many advances in the care of the spine. Sciatica unmanaged with analgesics was treated with cautery. 

From one intense pain to the absolute extreme, one would think. 

In 1764 and for some time after, sciatica was known as “Cotugno’s disease” which is only useful to know for pub trivia nights and having an interesting medical certificate to hand to your boss.

By 1800, physicians generally believed that back pain was the result of muscles holding a build up of rheumatic phlegm, basically caused by cold and damp. 19th century treatments commonly consisted of remedying the rheumatism via accepted measures of the times: such as relief of constipation, blistering and cupping. 

It appears that in general, over millennia, sciatica and back pain has garnered much interest and study, and overall, there has been basic little change in treatment. For both multidisciplinary pain treatment and more invasive approaches, such as spinal surgery, there is still only low-to-moderate effectiveness.

Although most will recover from an episode, in the Western world one-in-five adults will develop a chronic disability, and this statistic continues to increase due to our aging populations. The global socioeconomic impact is in the quadrillions. 

Sufferers for whom multidisciplinary and hospital care is necessary, often bear very high personal and financial impacts; and unfortunately long-term stable work ability and quality of life outcomes are still very poor.

So what can be done? 

Avoid the injury, it seems. As it turns out, however, the ancients offer much wisdom. Be less sedentary. Do your utmost to be physically supple and flexible, and develop strong core strength. Find a healthy discipline that suits you; whether it be yoga, tai chi or any other low impact, high strength activity, and embrace that choice as an integral part of your lifestyle. Make useful dietary changes; it was Hippocrates who first stated, “All disease starts in the gut” and contemporary scientific research certainly validates that.

Should you suffer an episode of sciatica or back pain, you could seek out practitioners on social media. And while you’re doing that, there’s no harm in taking that Hippocratic view toward rest, massage, heat, dietary changes, and music.

Electricians Marketing Their Business Using The Internet

They say customer retention is so critical that growing it by 5% will lead to a 25-95% increase in income. However, before the retention of clients, the acquisition plays a major part in the business operation. Marketing strategies like cold calling, flyers distribution, etc. were shown to be effective, but would require too much time and expense. Some claim that cold calling is already dead. Since consumers are now more empowered, more than 70% of purchasing decisions have already been made prior to receiving an unsolicited call from a salesperson. On the other hand, flyers distribution is still used; statistics show that 57% of people who received an addressed mail opened it the day it arrived while 5% of people read or at least glanced at the door dropped flyers. If not done properly, too many leaflets will end up in the bin with you wasting money.

In this day and age, marketing your business digitally is the best way to reach potential customers. According to 2020 statistics, over 4.5 billion of human population on the planet were active internet users. More than 5 billion people owns mobile phones, which accounts for 91% of the total number of active internet users. These figures are indicators of boundless online marketing potential.

Digital Marketing For Electricians 

Tradesmen, like electricians, are generally seen in action tending to the needs of their clients. Some may even be working from midnight to the dawn of weekends and holidays for emergency services. No matter how busy electricians could be, marketing of their business should never be set aside. All thanks to the brilliant mind of Tim Berners-Lee and his team, who launched the World Wide Web project in 1991, which was the beginning of all things digital. Now, electricians can promote their services such as security camera installation online that could reach their target market in no time. People use their mobile phones in search all the products and services they need, especially in the event of emergency, which is why the online presence of electricians is so important. One big mistake an electrician might commit is not owning a website!

Two effective ways electricians could market their business are through SEO and Social Media.

SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is one of the most effective forms of marketing available today with over trillions of searches being conducted every year. SEO seeks to optimise a website by improving both on-page and off-site SEO elements in an effort to increase positioning in the major search engines for particular keywords or phrases. By focusing on valuable keywords, electricians will be able to selectively target highly qualified leads and showcase their products and services for a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising.

Social Media is the voice, ears and opinion generator of the global community in which electricians’ products and services are consumed. What sets social media management apart from other forms of marketing communication is the speed and ease with which information flows via online social media. There are over 4 billion active social media users each year, and through social media channels, electricians can make their business more visible to their target market.

There are far more ways that electricians can market their business online that have proven to be successful. It is recommended that digital marketing agencies for electricians and tradies be consulted in order to know which platform/s will be most effective for the business.